
‎38 things for life blessing was from the Sutta that Buddha answered the question of angels who wondered what virtues or things would bring one prosperity and auspice in life, which are as follows.

1 Not Associating with Fools
2 Associating with the Wise
3 Expressing Respect to those worth of respect
4 Living in an Amenable Location
5 Having done Good Deeds in one’s past
6 Setting Oneself up properly in life
7 Artfulness in Knowledge
8 Artfulness in Application
9 Artfulness in Usage
10 Artfulness in Speech
11 Cherishing our parents
12 Raising our children
13 Cherishing our husband or wife
14 Not Leaving one’s work undone
15 Generosity
16 Dhamma Practice
17 look after relatives
18 do a harmless work
19 Abstaining from Unwholesomeness
20 Restraint from Drinking Intoxicants
21 Non-recklessness in the Dhamma
22 respect
23 Humility
24 Contentment
25 Gratitude
26 Listening Regularly to Dhamma Teachings
27 Patience
28 Openness to Criticism
29 The Sight of a True Monk
30 Regular Discussion of the Dhamma
31 The Practice of Austerities
32 Practising the Brahma-Faring
33 Seeing the Four Noble Truths
34 The Attainment of Nirvana
35 A Mind Invulnerable to Worldly Vicissitudes
36 Sorrowlessness,
37 Freedom from Subtle Defilements
38 The Blissful Mind

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